Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Okay, I'm just going to put this out there.  I am pretty open about the fact that I am imperfect in basically every aspect of my life.  I can easily get wrapped up in all my faults and insecurities, and I will often become overwhelmed at how many different ways I could be and do better.  So it's no surprise that I love the idea of New Year's Resolutions (or as I like to think...setting yearly goals or creating a growth plan).  I love the idea of a new year and a new beginning--a chance to start fresh and give myself permission to let go of the mistakes of the past year to make room for the possibility of growth in the new year. 

I've been thinking and praying a lot about what God would have me focus on this year, and I have to be honest...I am so stinkin' excited to get to January and jump into some of my 2012 goals.  Of which there are many...too many to list here.  And some too boring to list here.  And some just too personal to list here (where the entire world can read it!).  But I'll share a few with you, just for fun.

1.  I am going to read the entire Bible this year. (This one makes it onto my list pretty much every year--after all, you can never read the Bible too many times.)  And I'm doing it with some of my closest friends.  This is the Bible I will be using, which is what I am particularly excited about.  Doesn't it look great?  It's so girly.  If you're interested in joining me, I'd love to have you along!
2.  I am going to send more cards in the mail.  I love sending and receiving cards, but I don't take enough time to do this...I've got a new stash just waiting to be addressed.
3.  I am going to do a photo project called Project 365, where I take a picture each day for a year.  I've got a link set up on the right over there, but don't click on it just yet--nothing there (Unless, of course, you are reading this after January 1!  Then, if all goes well, there should be something there.)
4.  I am going to cook more with my kids.  Gosh, this one is a hard one for me...I really love the idea of cooking with my kids.  I imagine us all in our little aprons or chef hats or whatever, the boys patiently waiting for their turn to add ingredients and stir or spread or scoop the finished product.  But when we actually cook, it usually involves various white powders all over my kitchen, the boys fighting over the measuring cups, egg shells in the bowl, and me throwing a temper tantrum like a 3 year old (did I really just admit that??).  Sigh.  This year, I resolve to do better. 
5.  I am going to learn how to crochet.  Matt (sweet, thoughtful Matt) bought me the most wonderful gift (2 or maybe 3 Christmas ago, I'm afraid to say) of crocheting supplies (after I had mentioned many times that I would love to learn how).  I am determined to pull out that basket of colorful, soft yarn and hooked needles and turn it into a snuggly blanket.  Or maybe a scarf.  Whatever.  I'm going to learn how to crochet.  And if you know how to crochet, maybe you could teach me???

Seriously, I could go on for days, but I will stop there.  Of course, I have the same old resolutions as everyone else, too--eat healthy, exercise more, get more rest, blah, blah, blah...but these are the ones I'm most excited about!

We'll also spend some time as a family making some goals for the coming year...I'll let you know what we decide.  I imagine it will be along the lines of less-hitting-more-hugging and let's-learn-what-an-inside-voice-is, and those sorts of things.

I'm dying to know, what are some of your New Year's Resolutions or goals for 2012?  What are you most excited about?  What will you be focusing on in the new year?