*This is a blog post that I wrote for our church blog...thought I'd share it here. Thoughts that have been swirling in my head for a few days...*
It’s just after breakfast, and my two young sons are playing together when they beginning fighting over a toy…hands start hitting and voices are raised…
Be kind and loving to each other. Ephesians 4:32
My older son is lying awake in bed and calls out for me. He is afraid of the booming thunder just outside his window…
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Joshua 1:8
Sweet little two year old hands play with the Little People Nativity set, first holding Mary, then Joseph, then a baby boy. “Mommy, it’s a baby! Baby Jesus!”
God has given a Son to us. Isaiah 9:6
Scripture is a powerful tool that we have in our back pocket as parents. There’s no parenting moment or circumstance that goes unanswered by God’s word. It’s so comforting, really, to know that even in the most difficult moments of raising our children (and there are many!), that our Father has given us parenting advice at every turn.
Every month in fpKIDS, our children learn a Bible verse, one that is applicable to their daily lives. In fact, all of the verses above are ones that our preschoolers have learned in fpKIDS (Yes! Even 2-year-olds can learn Bible verses!). As parents, we have the amazing opportunity to walk our children through the discipline of memorizing scripture so that when they hit those bumps in the road, they have God’s word hidden deep in their hearts. We are doubly blessed when we memorize scripture along with our children because not only are we hiding the Word in our hearts too, but we are gaining precious wisdom that we can use in those tough parenting moments. And when we shepherd our children using scripture, we are equipping them to face every obstacle, challenge, question, and emotion through the filter of God’s word.
On many occasions, I have heard my own young sons remind themselves or each other to be kind and loving or to not be afraid or to trust in God. And I’m humbled to admit that they have also reminded me of those same things. There is power in scripture, particularly coming from the sweet voice of a four year old.
From disciplining to comforting your children to teaching your children about Jesus, I encourage you to search out the scripture to hear what God says about it. Speak those words; let the Word of God be the oxygen in your home. Let it always be in your hearts and on your lips, in your prayers and in your teachable moments. From the first good morning to the last good night, impress upon your children the power of God’s word in their lives. Be empowered and blessed by God’s parenting wisdom.
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (NIV)
Good advice!