After a very long blog hiatus, today was such a special and fun day that I had to spend some time writing so I would remember just how fun this day was! If you didn't know already, today is my birthday! I was a little sad this morning because I didn't really have any plans, and it was supposed to rain today. It never rains on my birthday. Never. In fact, it's a running joke with Matt. He thinks it's hilarious and says that I'm so proud of my birthday. But it's true! It never, ever rains on my birthday. Until this year. The forecast said 60% chance and I woke up to a gray, cloudy sky. I decided it was a great day for the movies, called my friend Amy and made plans for a movie and lunch (thanks for lunch, Amy!), and we had a blast!
As we were leaving Chick-fil-a, I noticed a miracle had in fact happened, and the sun had come out! I'm telling you it never, ever rains on my birthday! We quickly made a change of plans, ran home to gather our swim things, and headed to the pool for the afternoon--probably my most favorite birthday/summertime activity. We jumped out in time to get ready for dinner, but then the most special thing of the day happened.
I got to open my presents. And I like birthday presents as much as anyone, but honestly, I usually don't even think about them when it comes time for my birthday. I usually just love spending the day with people I love. But today. Well, today, the present was the highlight of today...and here's why.
A few months ago, I came across a Bible verse that just really spoke to me--a friend had posted it on her blog, I think, but as I read it, I was so moved by it. You see, I had been thinking about having a family verse for a while--a verse that just sort of summed up for our family what our goal or purpose is, and this one...well this verse was IT. I casually shared it with Matt one evening--just shared the idea I had and why I thought it was a great verse. I didn't really think about it any more, and we never talked about it. Fast forward to today, and this is what I opened...
Isn't it so very beautiful?? Matt asked our very amazingly talented friend Kate Moore to paint this for me. It is SO, SO incredibly special to me on so many levels. That Matt would remember, that he would value this verse as much as I did, and that he would reach out to find someone who could do such a beautiful job painting it exactly as I had imagined it in my head. We have the perfect spot for it in the entryway of our new home, and I just cannot wait to put it there.
In our rental, there's a radio installed in the kitchen, and I've been surprised how much I have enjoyed listening to it throughout the day. So Matt also got me a docking station that we can set up in the kitchen of our new home. Very thoughtful gifts from a very thoughtful husband whom I love very much.
We went to a fun dinner with Aunt Anne and Emma and had more cake after dinner...
The day was filled with phone calls and texts and emails and facebook messages (one of my very favorite parts of facebook!! is the birthday reminder!!)...Such a special day where I felt very loved and celebrated and joyful, which is why I love birthdays so much! So thanks to all of you sweet friends and family for making my day so incredibly special and fun today!
(And I'm hoping it won't be over 4 months til the next post...)
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